Sunday, March 26, 2006

Spring must be here at last!
Two weeks ago the first robins were spotted here in the Frozen Tundra. The redwinged blackbirds showed up at the same time. It was a fairly mundane winter at the birdfeeders in the back yard--there was the usual flock of about 60 sparrows, a couple of pair of black capped chickadees, cardinals, juncos, mourning doves, and a juvenile hawk, a red tail I think.
The mourning doves are starting to look broody; I don't know if they're chosen their nesting spot yet. A few years ago there were a pair that nested in a flower pot on my deck. The first year, no eggs appeared. The second year, there were eggs, but there was a severe storm which blew down the shelf on which the doves were nesting. I went out the next morning to check, and there was a dove sitting on a flower pot, with a can of charcoal lighter on top of her/him, and the shelf tilted at a 45 degree angle. The birds survived. I recall one morning when I saw the fledglings hopping out of the nest onto a Weber grill and awkwardly sliding down the side, trying to lift off. A few days later, the parents were starting another brood.
I have two indoor cats, but there are several neighborhood cats who skulk through the yard on a regular basis. I always fear there will be dead carcasses under the feeder. Sometimes I've seen little feathery bird chunks, but I've also seen the hawk around at the same time.
The first chipmunk was also spotted this week. I think they may be living in the cellar.

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