Thursday, March 30, 2006


Title: Hannah: from Dachau to the Olympics and beyond

Author: Jean Goodwin Messinger

In ten words or less: Poorly written biography of interesting Holocaust survivor
Review: Hannah was imprisoned at Dachau when she was three, and stayed until the camps were liberated in 1945. At age eight she went to live in a convent, where nuns took care of many of the children survivors. Hannah lived in Israel for a year and served in the army, and was a member of the Olympic ski team. How can this be made uninteresting?
This book badly needed editing. The author kept inserting anecdotes about herself into the narrative. I didn't think this was supposed to be a "Tuesdays with Morrie" kind of book. The author also did not bother to research background that would have added to the richness of the story. This would have been simple to do with the Olympic games, and a plane hijacking that was mentioned.

Why bother?No way, no how!

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