Sunday, October 04, 2009

September's books

In Dead men don't get the munchies by Miranda Bliss, Annie is a bank teller who has a part-time job at Bellywasher's, a local pub owned by her boyfriend Jim. Jim is offering cooking classes and Annie, who can't boil water, is slated to be his assistant. During the first class one of the students, Brad Peterson, an obnoxious weasel with a capital W, is threatened by Annie's friend Eve. And when Brad is murdered, Eve is the prime suspect. Of course, Annie has to investigate. Light and fluffy mystery.

Publishing basics by Robert Johnson
Writer watchdog self-publishing directory
Whitechapel horrors by Edward Hanna
Girl with the dragon tattoo by Stieg Larsson
Washington D.C. by Becca Blond
Fixer upper by Mary Kay Andrews
Grand finale by Janet Evanovich
Ride by David Walton
Fluke by Christopher Moore
One bad apple by Sheila Connelly
Dead men don't get the munchies by Miranda Bliss

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