Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bryant and May off the Rails

When an elusive criminal known as Mr. Fox kills a police officer while escaping from a holding cell, the Peculiar Crimes Unit is outraged. As they attempt to track the murderer down, they discover Mr. Fox has been using different identities and altering his appearance.
Meanwhile, an attractive young woman in a polka dot dress dies from a fall in a London tube station. She was on her way home from her job at a department store cosmetics counter, and security camera footage shows that although she was wearing four inch high heels, she didn’t stumble. But detectives Arthur Bryant and John May dig deeper, and wonder if there is any significance to a sticker found on her coat. When a university student goes missing in a tube station, another sticker is found, and the detectives are sure there is a connection.
Bryant is a rumpled, aged detective, who pours over his books but is not opposed to using new technology, as long as he’s not the one tapping the keys. May is the silver haired ladies’ man, a stylish dresser, and smooths over the mussed feathers caused by his unorthodox partner. A thoroughly entertaining series, a police procedural uniquely British.

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