Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Murder on the Waterfront by Michael Jahn

Two ships are docked on Manhattan's west side waterfront. The ultramodern cruise liner Trinidad Princess is hosting a fundraiser for a conservative candidate for president. And on the shabby but chic Sevastopol Trader, a modeling agency is holding a launch party with supermodels and beautiful people to celebrate a new perfume.

Captain Bill Donovan, NYPD, and his retired cop/wife Marcie, attend the political get-together as representatives of the police department. But when they see more congenial friends on the Trader, they jump ship. And it's aboard the Trader that a body is discovered the next morning. The presidential candidate's top strategist was stabbed to death, and there are plenty of suspects.

Now that Donovan is a husband and father, a reader would expect him to slow his pace. Maybe he doesn't put himself in as much physical danger, but the suspense doesn't let up. Readers who enjoy Lawrence Block's Matthew Scudder series should try Jahn's bools. This one is eighth in the series.

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