Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wanna Get Lucky? by Deborah Coonts

In ten words or less: Lucky O'Toole is a problem solver at a Vegas casino.

Review: Head of Customer Relations at the Babylon Casino, Lucky O'Toole fixes problems every day that the average person can't even imagine. Today she has a huge naked man sleeping in a stairwell, a "whale" named Fujikara who wrecked one of the casino's Ferraris, an elderly man who wants a hug, and on the nightly news she sees footage of a woman killed while falling from a helicopter into the casino's lagoon.
The Big Boss asks Lucky to investigate, telling her he doesn't trust his new hire in security, Paxton Dane. The news media and the police assume Lyda Sue, the victim, is a suicide. But Lucky doesn't agree. The Big Boss is lying about something, and she doesn't trust Dane. She enlists an eager police detective to help her track down the killer.

Why bother? The Las Vegas casino setting, with all its glitz and excess, provides a bottomless source of odd characters for an entertaining mystery. There's a fair amount of sex, but mostly in a humorous context. Fast paced and funny, readers who enjoy a mixture of chick lit and mystery should pick this one up.

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