Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bitter Harvest: Gordon Kahl and the Posse Comitatus: Murder in the Heartland by James Corcoran

In ten words or less: Right wing government protesters spread hate throughout the midwest.

Review: Not all terrorists are Islamic foreign nationals. Some are home grown tax protesters, racists, and anti-Semites. Gordon Kahl, a North Dakota farmer, and member of the right wing Posse Comitatus, was on probation for nonpayment of taxes. When he violated the terms of his probation, federal marshals came to arrest him. In the ensuing shootout, two marshals died. Kahl's adult son was wounded, and Kahl escaped and became a fugitive.
This book is based on the Pulitzer Prize nominated articles James Corcoran wrote for the Fargo Forum.

Why bother? An insight into the world of domestic right-wing extremists like Timothy McVie.

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