Friday, August 27, 2010

Nobody Runs Forever by Richard Stark

In ten words or less: Parker and pals plot to steal an armored car.

Review: A bank in rural Massachusetts is transferring assets via four armored cars. Parker is told about the job by a former security guard who had an affair with the bank manager's wife. Any number of people can throw a wrench into the works--an unscrupulous, cheating doctor; a bounty hunter and his good-looking blonde partner; and the security guard's law abiding sister.

The efficient and ruthless Parker keeps one step ahead of the law in another page-turning adventure from author Stark, also known as Donald Westlake.
Why bother? Nobody writes a caper novel like Stark/Westlake. Parker is not a likeable protagonist but fans of modern noir will savor each adventure of the efficient career criminal.

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