Monday, April 05, 2010


Killer Insight by Victoria Laurie

In ten words or less: Professional psychic investigates missing bridesmaids; sulks over breakup with boyfriend.

Review: Abby Cooper is a psychic who has just broken up with her FBI agent boyfriend. Why didn't she see that coming? But a good friend is getting married in Colorado, and when Abby travels to the wedding, she gets seriously bad vibes when she looks at a photo of one of the other bridesmaids. And when the bridesmaid goes missing, Abby teams up with hunky Duffy McGinnis, the bride's brother and now sheriff to try to track down the woman. Chick lit meets mystery in this Psychic Eye series.

Why bother? For someone who is psychic, you think Abby would have been feeling some vibes from the ex-boyfriend. She also misreads clues and stumbles into dangerous situations. Still, an overall better-than-average amateur detective novel.

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