Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Quaking by Kathryn Erskine

In ten words or less: Disaffected Goth teen Matilda placed with Quaker foster family.

Review: 14-year old Matilda has been bounced from relative to relative. She goes to live with distant cousins—Sam and Jessica Fox, Quakers. Matilda dresses in black and won’t talk to her classmates. She’s been told she’s dumb, but is put in Advanced Placement classes. Her nemesis is Mr. Morehead, a teacher who is pro-Iraq war and who sides with the school bully. When local churches and synagogues start being vandalized by the bully and his friends, Matilda comes to understand Quaker teachings.

Why bother? Erskine provides a realistic view of peace activities and nonviolent protest regarding the Iraq war.

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