Friday, September 15, 2006


Title: Good luck

Review: Vincent D’Onofrio and Gregory Hines

Seattle Seahawks star receiver Anthony “Olee” Olezniak (D’Onofrio) receives a life-altering injuring during a game—he is blinded by a freak spinal cord injury. After almost a year, he hasn’t adjusted at all to his blindness, and when his ex-lover writes a tell-all book about him, he flies into a rage and throws his furniture out the window.
Geeky dental technician Bernard Lemley, who was paralyzed when a drunk driver ran into his car weeks before his graduation from dental school, was Olee’s biology tutor in college. He asks Olee to go on a whitewater rafting trip with him, to prove that gimps can do challenging outdoor activities. Olee feels he is being used because of his celebrity, but agrees only if Lem agrees to no publicity until after the trip.
Olee complains to Lem at the outset that he hasn’t been to a party, had an erection, or a decent bowel movement since his accident. There is crude toilet and sexual humor here, and a flash of tits at the beginning of the movie, but D’Onofrio and Hines have great chemistry and the buddy story clicks. One of my favorite actors from “Barney Miller,” Max Gail, appears as a marijuana farmer. I borrowed this film from the library, and enjoyed it enough to purchase the DVD.

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