Title: Mighty Fitz: The Sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Author: Michael Schumacher
In ten words or less: Gripping tale of the legendary Lake Superior shipwreck.
Review: Twenty nine men died when the ore carrier Edmund Fitzgerald sank in Lake Superior on November 10, 1975. Schumacher, who has written biographies of Allen Ginsberg, Eric Clapton, and Francis Ford Coppola, retells the story of the days leading up to the disappearance of the big ship. The official reports from the Coast Guard and other sources are at odds, and with no eyewitnesses to the sinking, the cause of the accident is still unknown. Gordon Lightfoot’s song kept the public interested in the Edmund Fitzgerald, and there were battles afterwards about recovering relics and taking photographs of the sunken wreck.
Why bother? Lots of local interest for readers in the Great Lakes area. Examines a mystery that has not been solved to this day. Young adults who don’t like fiction might be interested in this story.
Title: Mighty Fitz: The Sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Author: Michael Schumacher
In ten words or less: Gripping tale of the legendary Lake Superior shipwreck.
Review: Twenty nine men died when the ore carrier Edmund Fitzgerald sank in Lake Superior on November 10, 1975. Schumacher, who has written biographies of Allen Ginsberg, Eric Clapton, and Francis Ford Coppola, retells the story of the days leading up to the disappearance of the big ship. The official reports from the Coast Guard and other sources are at odds, and with no eyewitnesses to the sinking, the cause of the accident is still unknown. Gordon Lightfoot’s song kept the public interested in the Edmund Fitzgerald, and there were battles afterwards about recovering relics and taking photographs of the sunken wreck.
Why bother? Lots of local interest for readers in the Great Lakes area. Examines a mystery that has not been solved to this day. Young adults who don’t like fiction might be interested in this story.