Wednesday, March 04, 2015

February's Books

In Mister Bud wears the Cone, Mister Bud, the dog, is chewing at a hot spot so he must wear a cone to help it heal. Zorro, the naughty pug, resents the attention Mister Bud gets, and tries to get him into trouble. A funny story, and the expressions of the dogs are priceless.

Optical Delusions in Deadwood by Ann Charles
The School Board Murders by Leslie O'Kane
Brass in Pocket by Stephen Puleston
The Catcher was a Spy: the Mysterious Life of Moe Berg by Nicholas Dawidoff
Caught by Harlan Coben
The Fairacre Festival by Miss Read
Burial at Sea by Charles Finch
Confessions of a Turtle Wife by Anita Salzberg
The Big Both Ways by John Straley
The Boy who Never Grew Up by David Handler
Mister Bud Wears the Cone by Carter Goodrich
The Man who Loved Women to Death by David Handler
Bubba and the Dead Woman by C.L. Bevill