Title: Cinderella Pact: a Novel
Author: Sarah Strohmeyer
In ten words or less: Overweight friends support each other while trying to lose weight.
Review: Nola Devlin is an editor at Sass! magazine but feels her ideas are not seriously considered because she is overweight. When she turns in sample columns under he own name, she is sure they get tossed straight in the trash. But when she invents sexy Belinda Apple, and submits her identical columns with a picture of the oh-so-trendy Belinda attached, her editor at Sass! is salivating at the thought of snagging Belinda as a contributor.
While the mysterious Belinda is penning columns on weight loss, style, and sex, Nola is making a pact with her two best friends to get in shape over the next six months. Nola has no social life, so what does she have to lose? And her younger sister is sure that Nola is envious of her upcoming wedding, and asks "Belinda" to be her maid of honor.
And then...a handsome computer geek named "Chip" shows some interest in Nola. Is he for real? Lightweight fluff, but readable and fun.
Why bother? Perfect paperback to bring with you on a weekend getaway.